Thursday 12 July 2018

The Few and The Many

Monday 9th July 2018

Pete the Chippy

I spy a picnic bench.

Mike the Paint

A little bit here a little bit there.

Tony Everywhere Man

Tony in the background, had been doing his inspection and clearing up around the Station.

Pat the Strimmer

Clearing the driveway bank is tiring in this hot weather.

Keith & Ron the Brush Bruvers

Keith wondering was I here?

We will scrub, scrub and rubber done tub. What colour next?

Vic the Gardener.

Vic back from his holiday, more landscaping. I think he's lost a bit of weight?

Wednesday 11th July

As it was a running day the shop was open with Steve at the helm. We have a number of pictures and paintings for sale, railway related and others. The painting below is an original by Donald Ayres a well known artist we will accept any reasonable offer to help the station funds.

Dave the Chippy

Dave did a bit more work on the picnic table which is now installed next to the shop. The second photo shows Brian & Dave fencing.


A group discussion was on going in this picture where does the kerb line go next.

Any Where Man

Dave B, Clive, Chris & Mike were at different locations around the working areas.


Vic dead headed the various bedding plants, gave them all a drink. Planted some donated plants and put more top soil in the picnic area. Also did a rain dance but does not seemed to had much effect!!

Finally, Finally

The bin boxes have now been put around the platform.

Vic (Your blog reporter)

Special Event

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