Saturday 20th January 2018
Rain, rain & more rain, with more due tomorrow and Wednesday. Fortunately, most jobs warranted working under the canopy or in the rooms and the rain did ease off for a couple of hours. There were just thirteen volunteers today.
Platform Edge
Keith S, Robin, Vic and Phil checked the level of the platform, removing the excess and adding ballast where required. This was then rolled over with our roller to give a solid surface. The area up to the wooden horse being completed.
Kerb Preparation
The same team plus John B checked the area where kerb installation will take place on Wednesday. Setting out a line and marking the metal posts with tape for identification. Ballast was laid to obtain the correct height.Behind Vic are the stone kerbs that are to be placed along the front of the Station.
Cable Laying
John C, Tony and John S pulled more cable through the trunking, with the cable stretching along to the north end of the platform. (Sorry no photo)Tiling
Our tilers were in again today, still fitting out the toilets. Here you see the disabled toilet nearly finished.Spear Fence.
Peter K, our metal fabricator, made sure the last small panel fitted the gap. We're now waiting for the painters to finish the post before fitting. Peter then made modifications to two gates before hanging them on to their respective posts.

Fitting Out
Dave H corrected the angle of the viewing camera, then helped Peter Q and Brian T with more installation of wall boarding in the entrance hall. Mike S had the paint brush and pot in his hand, darting from room to room.Blast from the Past
Broadway Village
To help raise the image of reinstating a station at Broadway over the years a stand has been set up at village functions. These have all been in the hands of John Blofield with a little bit of help from his friends.A nice sunny day 2009 and in 2011 at the annual village show.
The Olympic torch visited Broadway on its travel around the country
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Summer 2014
Over the years the station has received a number of interesting visitors. Some came to view, a few to offer a helping hand and to give a display and many visitors attended our final Opening Evening.Helping Hands
It's 2011 and in the first of the two photos below are young lads from Worcester College. In the second photo are Ray L and Colin B who originated from Canada and Australia.
Two visitors from Holland in 2012, Remo Stauis Muller and Bobby Bergsma.
In 2013 we were fortunate to have a visiting engine, although unfortunately, it was only a static display. On occasions the local wild life would pay us a visit outside our mess room, looking for things to eat. Also historic cars and buses would set the scene for a memorable photo shoot.
In the first of the following two photos are Gary Boyd-Hope of Steam Railway Magazine with John Crawford, laying a commemorative stone in 2015 and finally, a recollection of our last Open Evening in 2017.
Vic (As your blogger left his camera at home, today's photos are taken by Phil and Dave)
The Garden Gnome
The twin metal gates giving access to the southern end of the platform have been made incorrectly. The wooden gate nearby is correct. On a ledge and brace gate or door the brace always goes from the LOWER hinged part to the UPPER open part, giving it the maximum strength. The same mistake was made at CRC and I sent a photograph and explanation of the Edwardian ledge and brace doors which I had to copy in our Welsh cottage to the head of B&S. No reply was received. The metal gates at Toddington have been mounted upside down and have the same problem.
ReplyDeleteMike Rose.
On a wooden gate or door the brace goes from the lower hinged corner to the upper open corner so that the brace is in compression, but on a metal gate it is the opposite way round so that the brace is in tension. (I made these gates) Pete K.
DeleteYou are absolutely right. I eat humble pie and apologise for my incorrect criticism. Having contacted a number of manufacturers the metal must be kept in tension as even with a metal strap because if you swung on the gate it would bend. So, at the entrance to Broadway station, with both wood and metal gates you have two correct, contrasting constructions.
DeleteMike Rose.
The gates look well smart! I was wondering what the floor finish will be in the booking hall- tiled or boarded?
With slabs down, hanging black and white GWR signs and Edwardian pattern GWR platform benches, it's going to look the business!
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for the update. My word, the interior of the station building is coming along, isn't it ? I'm guessing the wood panelling below the dado rail will be a darkish brown ? With some sort of patterned tiles for the floor ?
ReplyDeleteOn the outside, it looks as though Platform One will soon be ready to receive its stone flags in front of the station buildings. I would assume the platform surface to the north cannot be surfaced until the concrete footings for the canopy and footbridge are completed. I don't know how cold the weather is in Broadway, or how this affects modern concrete. But all appears to be going very well. I don't know if you're going for tarmac or gravel for the platform surfaces north and south of the building. Tarmac seems more suitable, but I suppose gravel would be more correct for 1904. Well, I suppose you'll be the ones to decide that ! After all, you're doing all the work !
It's fine to see the new spear topped iron gates in place at the south end. They look very good indeed. I still can't visualise how the screen will fit into the scheme of things, but I'll let BAG enlighten me when they're ready !
I again enjoyed Blasts from the Past. Yes, of course, I remember you had quite a bit of help from lads from Worcester College in the very early days. That was chronicled on the former "Steam to Broadway" blog, wasn't it ?
Well, thanks for the latest news, and thanks for the memories. I hope we may see the Routemaster bus visit again !
Good luck with everything.
Peter Wright
The floor in the ticket hall is tiled in a red and black diamond pattern, with the paneling in dark brown above painted in off white/ cream.
Thank you, Dave, for finding the time to reply. It is one thing to be an "armchair critic" and quite another to be a volunteer who does the works and maintains the blog.
DeleteWe all appreciate this, you know.
And if we can ever help, financially, you just let us know.
David, another great report on our new "Lady". When the final surface for the platforms is in place it will look fantastic. Great work by the team in awful weather, well done to all. Looking forward to our first visit at the start of the season.
Paul & Marion.
If you're looking for another genuine GWR gate post of the type in the photos there's one at Dorridge station that currently serves no useful purpose. Chiltern Railways might let you have it if you ask nicely!