Saturday 16th December
'The gangs all here'. There were 11 volunteers at the station today. The main job was to carry out the modifications required for the connection of mains electricity. Keeping our fingers crossed this will happen on Monday when the electricity utilities company comes along.
The Gang
The gang consisting of Tony, Phil, Robin, Dave B, Peter Q, Peter K, Keith S, Vic, Stuart and Keith G were ready to do some digging. John C has the advantage of a bigger shovel, here starting the motor.
Dave H called in to have a look at the camera which had been reported as not working. The snow of last Sunday had in fact moved the lens so it pointed at the floor. It will be adjusted.
On The Go
Digging it all out
Praying and sanding
Photo 1. As the saying goes, "Many hands make light work"
Photo 2. Trench done, is it tea break?
Photo 3 & 4. Keith S praying it all fits, Peter getting the sand right.
Photo 5. The pipe is in. Hooray!
The pipe was covered over with sand and then the diggings shovelled back into the trench. This was then compressed using the tracks of the digger.
Vic decided that the laurel tree at the end of the garden needed coppicing. Starting this last week he finished it today. The laurel had got rather straggly and also prevented the sun from reaching the steps that led from the car park area to the houses above. The steps, made from old cut down railway sleepers, have become rotten and unsafe.Vic, with the help of Stuart, cut all the branches and transported the cuttings to the bonfire area on Platform 2.
We had several visitors from the caravan park who have a birds eye view of the P/Way team working along side their units. The P/Way train came from Toddington, carrying equipment and, more importantly, the restaurant carriage, so they could warm themselves and have a lunch time feast.More work was being done on the turnout.
Vic had to make a visit to Toddington, wanting a calendar from the station shop and also War in the Cotswold leaflets for distribution.The station was full of families visiting Santa and having a ride in the DMU. Santa's Elves were making sure everything was running smoothly. A water supply problem had been causing a hiccough, though.
Inside the Flag and Whistle tables were all laid out ready for the Festive Fayre. So if you're ever near Toddington, pop in, you'll receive a warm welcome!
Blast from the Past
In previous blogs we've looked at where all the bricks have come from, so where were they to be used:- The Platforms.The platforms were broken into sections, with the central area being constructed first, then the south end followed by the north end.
Platform 1
This was the first platform to be built, clearing the foundations and laying a concrete base upon which blocks were laid, reinforced and the brick laying could commence.
This is Platform 1 in 1911.
We now move to the year 2010 when brick laying commenced. The first picture is September and the next two are October.
We then move to 2011 for the next set of pictures. The 1st pic shows the centre, 2nd the south end,
3rd pic the foundation blocks being laid for the north end.

We are now into 2012
Year 2013, 2014, & 2015
Finally 2017
Next week we look at Platform 2.
Crossing fingers for mains power on Monday! Great pictures of great progress, especially of the P Way (lunch) train!, and the 'blast from the past' photos are amazing to SEE how much has been achieved. Regards, Paul.
ReplyDeleteWhat was the pipe being laid for, mention was made of a mains electric cable, was the pipe for gas?
ReplyDeleteI hope not. Gas pipes are yellow. Toddington Ted
DeleteThese lads do a proper job. I assume that the pipe is conduit for the cable. A mousing line will have been left in, to draw the cable through. That way any future upgrades or repairs can be done without digging the whole thing up. Rik.
DeleteIt's truly amazing,what has been achieved,over the last 7,years or so!.Just over 3,months to go,before opening day!.I,expect,there's still a lot,to be done,before then!. Anthony.
ReplyDeleteIndeed, quite incredible. Getting the station building roof on makes such a difference. There is indeed much to do before opening day and the weather can be most unhelpful this month and next. Keeping our fingers crossed that we don't get another 1962-3 snowy winter. That could really snooker a March opening. Toddington Ted.
DeleteAll starting to come together there, is this a totally new supply to the station as I assume you have a separate supply to the porta cabin used as a mess room? Amazing to see the "old" pictures from the start of the rebuild, what progress has been made.
Paul & Marion
Yes, the Blast From the Past" pictures make compelling viewing to those of us who have watched over the years Broadway Station arise from the ruins. When it started, I honestly didn't think it could be done. I am glad to say I was wrong.
ReplyDeleteI thought perhaps the most interesting picture was of Broadway Station in 1911, clearly showing its early colour scheme, with dark brown windows, etc. I wonder when the later colour scheme (i.e. in the style of Toddington) came along ? Possibly early 1920 ? As I've said before, it was a brave decision for Broadway to go for the Edwardian look, because, at that distance in time, anachronisms will begin to appear almost immediately.
Well, as I say, never mind all that. Just do what you can. And what you have done is truly astonishing. And you should be proud of it. Carry on ! Good luck with all the work still to be done. And, yes, I know there's still a great deal to do. Oh, and good luck with the weather.
Many thanks for the post.
Peter Wright
I wonder how the fitting out of the building is going. Are all the plasterboard ceilings up and is the roof insulation and boarding all installed? I assume the electrical system is well underway, but what about mains gas - shown on the planning application drawings? Is the water supply connected yet? Have all the guttering downpipes been connected up to the drains? So many questions!