Thursday 9 February 2017

Oh What a Grey Day

Wednesday 8th February                                                    

17 intrepid volunteers braved this cold grey day at Broadway whilst 4 others had the relative luxury of a heated marquee at Toddington.

Building work resumed once the temperature of 5c was reached. John S, Tony & Clive continued with internal blockwork in the booking office & booking hall areas.

Bob W & John C prepared brickwork in readiness for John to build more arches over several platform facing windows. This work entailed Bob having to cut/ taper several bricks for either side of the window arches (see example in next pic.).

Keith & Brian T brought ceiling joists up and spaced them over the canteen area. David steadying the ladder for Keith. Brian seems pleased he's in the frame!


                                                                  Yoo-hoo Brian!
Our 3 dumper drivers received a visit from Tyrone of CRS Training Services. It was time for them to receive a refresher session on dumper truck safety issues & an appraisal of practical use. After the session Tyrone was suitably satisfied with the guys.

                                                        Escaping from the examiner?

Richard from Fairview delivered an urgent supply of aggregate & cement for the driveway team.
After Rod & John C had dropped more hardcore down & Terry had rolled it, Terry was able to continue with the laying of more edging slabs up the side of the driveway. With Fairview's supplies now to hand Paul C supplied Terry with barrows of concrete. Vic, meanwhile, was busy digging out a shallow trench to enable extension of the concrete footings for the edging slabs to sit on.

Peter Q prepared a box to act as shuttering around one of the manhole covers in the driveway. Later in the day you can see the shuttering in place & Rod carefully filling in with concrete around the manhole cover.

                                                                   At Toddington:
Outside the marquee some steelwork for our station canopy is laid out, already anti-corrosive primed.

Inside the marquee I found a hive of activity with Graham & Mike finishing off anti-corrosive priming & starting black painting of several panels of spear fencing. Mike S & Brian, meanwhile, had the messy task of wire brushing more panels in readiness for etch priming.

                                                             "Take me to your leader"

The weather forecast for the next few days doesn't look too promising. Let's hope it will be kind enough on Saturday.

Paul Carter


  1. I,dont think you'll be working on the station building,on Saturday!.This cold grey weater,is set to continue untill next week! Mandy.

  2. Come and help the pway dept instead we don't get weather luxuries

  3. Come and help pway at winchcombe we do benefit from choosing based on weather

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  6. Don't think I'm a rivet counter but I thought that spear top fencing was supposed to be 'light stone' within station limits, not black. Also, GWR and BR (1960's), did not white line the platform ramps so that in wartime or in case of a lighting failure, the driver could stop the front end of the first carriage at the end of the white line. Or is this a new health and safety requirement? Just curious. Regards, Paul.

    1. GWR spear fencing has always been black as long as I can remember (but that's only back to the very early 1960s!). I can't comment on the white lines except to state that your comment regarding the white line ending as a "marker" seems perfectly logical to me. It could well be a more recent H&S introduction.
      Regarding the weather, next Wednesday up north here is promising 10 degrees C or more so I hope you get the same at Broadway. Toddington Ted

    2. The finished colour of the spear fencing will be light stone. White lines on the platform ramps were applied in error sometime ago and are gradually being removed as time allows
